Instead of posting that perfect pic from our last race, this is from this morning’s run right here in the Rocky Mountain Northwest. We love to run and hope it comes through in each episode, in our groups, in our posts, and everything we touch. And yes, we hope some of that helps motivate you just a bit on your own running journey. Come along and enjoy the fun!

Alex started running just over five years ago, losing over 100 lb and transforming his life. He just can’t imagine a life without running.
He became an RRCA Certified Running coach and an NASM Nutrition Coach with the goal of helping others find success in their own running journeys.
Alex is a marathoner and working on his 50 Marathons in 50 States goal. But don’t let that think he doesn’t love all race distances.

On her 13th birthday, Audrey set a goal to run 13.1 miles as a 13 year old; six months later she did just that. Looking back, she laughs knowing she started out too fast and wound up in the pain cave at the end, but it was during that race that she caught the bug. Later with a couple of half marathons under her belt she set the goal of running a sub two hour half marathon. Again, with the determination and drive that she is known for, she trained and met that goal running 2:59:49 with just 11 seconds to spare – all at the age of 14.
Secently running her first marathon, the Honolulu Marathon in December 2019, and setting her sights on her first 50K this upcoming summer.